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We are a Reserva Natural in the middle of the Amazonian rainforest, in the lung of earth, belonging to the ethnic group of the Ticuna.

The world is leaving a critic moment in this times. We, like a lot of other companies and families who live from tourism, are one of the most affected sectors of this situation.
Our site, the Reserva Natural Tucuchira, directly generated work for local families searching for their services of guidance, cooking etc. and also the native community of Santa Sofía benefitted directly from our work.
Resuming all of these morals of live and continuing supporting with the hope in each heart, we decided to create this virtual store called “Boutique Ticuna” with the protagonist of Mother Nature showing paintings of animals at different types of cloth and a lot more. Also we are including other persons and children with their paintings and fotos inspired by nature and like this supporting us all together creating solutions with opportunities for everyone.

At the moment only for our friends in EUROPE!
